Composing is the largest online community of composers in Brazil. Our mission is to provide Composers, Artists, Publishers and all figures in the artistic environment with their own environment for managing and negotiating works, as well as facilitating and shortening the way for the composer to take his work to the artist.
If you are a composer, create your Portfolio and keep your works organized and safe. Also take the opportunity to show them to the world. You can also enjoy and share your compositions, interact with other composers, and best of all, artists will be constantly watching, and if one of them likes your work, they will contact you.
If you are an artist and are looking for a working song, use Composing to listen to works by composers from all over the country. Search for works by genre, by themes, by composers of your choice. With Composing you make your auditions wherever you are, guaranteeing your privacy and comfort, and when you like some work, you contact the author yourself.
If you are not an artist and do not even venture into compositions, use Composing to appreciate the diversity and richness of Brazilian music. Enjoy and share the songs you like best.
Have you ever thought if inspirations arise and you also become a Composer? Don't waste time, embark with us on this adventure!